Have your
by Carson Wilson

UNIX - Web Engineering - Database

Platforms:  AIX - Amazon Linux - Android - CentOS - RHEL - SLES - Solaris - Ubuntu - Windows Server
Languages:  C - CSS - HTML - Java - JavaScript - JSON - Perl - PHP - Python - UNIX Shell - SQL - TCL - XML
Frameworks:  Angular - Jenkins - Joomla! - jQuery - PHPMyEdit - Vue - WordPress
Architectures:  AD - Apache - AWS - Elastic (ELK) Stack - Git - HAProxy - LVM - Nagios - NGINX - PostFix - procmail - sendmail - SIEM - Tripwire - UNIX Cluster - VMware
Protocols:  Ajax - CGI - FTP - IMAP - LDAP - PGP - POP - SMTP - SNMP - SpamAssassin - SSH - SSI - SSL - TCPIP
Standards:  ACL - CVS - DNS - HIPAA - PAM - PCI - PDF - RBAC - RCS - SOX
Tools:  Android Studio - awk - CKEditor - CLion - CMake - grep - IDA - Jira - PyCharm - sar - sed - Slack - SMF - strace - tcpdump - truss - WebStorm - Wiki
Other Skills:  2-D & 3-D Imaging - Analog & Digital Audio - Musician - Parallel Texts - Photographer

What do I mean by code read? I mean I read your code thoroughly.  Then I make changes to resolve problems and reduce code size.  Simplifying a system or application "from the bottom up" I increase servicability, reliability, and performance and provide a stable basis for growth.

I work to the highest customer and technical standards.  I examine your backup, revision, and documentation systems, providing fallbacks in case of failure.  I question complexity, never assume security.  My motto, Innovate for Stability, means boldly revising when needed, but always with an eye to business need. 

If you wish to experience a transformation of this sort, please contact me through a method below and let us together move your system away from the Red Zone of Technical Debt and toward the Green Zone of Sustainability.  You will not regret this!

Thank you,
Carson Wilson

Carson Wilson
Highland Park, IL
Voice: (224) 813-4583
Google Play


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This web page and all content copyright Carson Wilson, 2022